Friday 10 April 2015

Books and Music

Do you ever read a book with a particular song and every time you hear that song you feel nostalgic about that book? I have a couple of times and I wanted to show you guys my music to book pairings.

1. Double Cross by Malorie Blackman and Gravity Happens by Kate Voegele

The song in particular that makes me feel nostalgic about Double Cross is Enough For Always. It reminds me of the final scene of the novel where Tobey and Callie are sitting on the stairs contemplating their future together

2. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and What Are You So Scared Of by Tonight Alive

This is probably the oddest pairing but for some reason any time I listen to To Die For it always reminds me of the love triangle between Lavender, Hermione and Ron- and for some odd reason, the school hallways.

3. Five Summers by Una Lamarche and 1989 by Taylor Swift 

 This one is different to the rest, because I didn't simutaeneously listen to this album and read the novel. It was after I had read the book, I had a dream about it and I Know Places and Wildest Dreams were playing in the background. It was more of the setting that resonated with.

This was definetly an unusual post, but I wanted to try something different and I wanted to combine my love for Books and Music in one post. I hope you enjoyed it anyway and I'lI see you in the next post

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